Saturday 17 March 2007

Another brewski?

11th March, Nine Inch Nails day. It started out innocently enough - a quietish day off to Watford Junction to meet Nikki at about 4.30 and then off into London on our way to the Carling Academy at Brixton.

Everything was great. We went to Kings Cross Station and visited Platform 9 3/4. Nikki tried to push the luggage cart all the way through the wall. Sadly, it didn't budge. There were lots of other HP Muggles there too having a go at trying to get through the wall to no avail. Locals streamed by wearing smug or dismissive expressions and tried to not make eye contact with the Potter fans.

We then retired to the pub at the station and this is where the story takes a predictable turn folks. At this point, we propped up the bar and watched Nikki's football team, Watford, score the goal that won them their match while we consumed a few 'brewskies'. Then we got on the train to Brixton. The venue is two minutes walk from the station and in that time we were accosted by 8-10 scalpers wanting to sell us tickets. We managed to jump the huge queue and get in ahead much to Nikki's amazement. I think the trick was sounding simultaneously Aussie and stupid and not making eye contact with anyone in the queue.

Anyhoo, once in I marched straight to the Merchandise (of course) and bought a tshirt. Then off to the bar for a brewski and another and another... We piled into the auditorium which was VERY HOT and airless and full of smoke and found our seats. Nikki went off for another brewski.

And then the roadies were tuning up and farting about on stage as usual and then TRENT WAS THERE all in black and leaping at the mike for "Terrible Lie" OMG. He seemed smaller than I remember ( we were pretty far back, folks) but he was so full of energy I could feel it from where I was sitting. Sorry Merri, I didn't get the set list. I was disappointed that they didnt do "With Teeth" but they did do "Hand that Feeds" as well as a few from the new album and loads from older albums. "Pigs" rocked out so hard. When they did "Hurt" people held their cigarette lighters up. The crowd sang every song. What a buzz. The only thing was that there was very little fresh air and well, frankly we were a little under the weather. Nikki got up to go to the loo and a bloke at the bar asked her if Watford won and when she said they did, he bought her a pint of cider. Oh dear. It all went downhill from there folks. Remember what Auntie Dee has told you: Never mix your drinks. Anyway, at the end of the show (no encore boooooo!!!) We walked out into the cold fresh air and both of us were immediately blotto. Sigh. We stumbled along into a side street (very silly in Brixton which once had riots that did thousands of pounds worth of improvements and which looks like a war zone at night - all the windows are boarded up and the streets are deserted). A young man cycled by advertising at the top of his voice that he was willing to offer certain services... we decided it was time to get back on the train and get back to Watford.

Nikki blames me but it was all her fault. "Another brewski?" Never say yes, folks.

Anyway I win because I actually got up the next morning, had a shower, moaned in my aunties direction before going back to bed. Nikki didn't even surface until 3pm.

So there.


At 17 March 2007 at 8:12 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outstanding work! *Hands Dee the prize trophy* Glad you had a great time! Anyone for a pint?

At 17 March 2007 at 9:19 am , Blogger Two said...

You mean, you left your cast-iron Aussie constitution at home?

For shame! I am pleased that you had a good night, though!!


At 18 March 2007 at 10:02 pm , Blogger Dragons said...

No set list? And you got sloshed? *shakes head sadly*

Nah, just joking. Am pleased you had a wonderful time. And saw Trent. And bought Merch. Because Merch totally proves you were there. *nodnod*

At 19 March 2007 at 3:27 am , Blogger SPOC said...

Can I say I'm getting scared?


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